David George Brooke || Harnessing The LIFE CHANGING Magic of GRATITUDE

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Real Business Connectetions

#Ben Albert

Learn Speak Teach episode 48 w/ David George Brooke!

Even if you are in a dark place and feel like you’re struggling, writing in a gratitude journal for just 5 minutes gives you 5 minutes of grace. You can’t be angry when you are writing in your gratitude journal.

Being grateful automatically transforms your mood, makes you feel more optimistic, and creates a positive perspective on your struggles. Cultivating gratitude transforms your life, and how you see yourself helps you stay aligned with what makes you feel fulfilled. Doing what fulfills your soul is all about working on things that are in alignment and will always work for you. 

In this episode, David shares practices and exercises all designed to help you focus on gratitude to cultivate a better attitude and find work that works for you.  

David George Brooke, also known as, ‘That Gratitude Guy’, is a speaker, coach, and best-selling author.  He is a former Nordstrom store manager and has managed in the corporate world for over 30 years. His published works include “That Gratitude Guy’s Daily Gratitude Journal,” “Monday Morning Minutes: 100 Messages of Gratitude”, “Six-Word Lessons to Embrace Gratitude,” and a number of other books on gratitude. 

As a result of his passion for gratitude, he has presented over 750 speeches and workshops in the past 8 years, including over 100 Zoom presentations in the last 18 months. He travels nationally and internationally to deliver this important message. David has over 1500 gratitude videos on YouTube and over 1500 subscribers. Thousands have seen his message, and he is now considered a leading authority on how living a life of gratitude can enhance and improve your life both personally and professionally.

Watch The Video: https://youtu.be/knvRwfAPLuw

During this episode, you will learn about the following:

[00:00] Episode intro and a quick bio of our guest: David George Brooke

[04:42] David’s story and why he’s passionate about what he does 

[09:31] The difference between keynote gratitude talks for executives vs. prisoners

[13:49] Exercises you can start doing today to cultivate your gratitude attitude

[24:24] How to write in a gratitude journal every day consistently 

[28:56] Pen and paper: What is special about writing 

[30:00] How long David has been journaling, how he does it, and its benefits 

[32:39] Transformations that David has seen in his life and the lives of others 

[43:13] Redefining the term “work” 

[46:53] Dispelling the time myth by adding more people into your life 

[49:59] Why it’s important to be present in your journal 

[53:46] Rapid Fire Round

[57:32] How to connect and learn more about David 

[59:18] The 4Ts: A gratitude exercise that you can do right now on your phone

[01:02:27] Ending the show and call to action 

Notable Quotes   

~ “Only compare yourself to who you were yesterday… not somebody else. Comparing yourself to somebody else is like a cat chasing its tail, and it’s not worth it.”   ~ [10:11]

~ (Gratitude) is like a dream; if you talk about it, it will inspire you, but if you write about it, it will empower you.” ~ [24:04]

~ “It’s better to do less than you hope for and develop some momentum than nothing at all. .” ~ [25:25]

~ “It’s never too late, but it’s a matter of getting what your passion is all about and committing to it.” ~ [40:10]

~ “Human beings are hardwired to find their purpose and you have to keep looking until you find it; when you do it’s very rewarding and it doesn’t feel like work.” ~ [40:19]

~ “ The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why; there is something about being your own self which is hard to replicate, we’re all unique.” ~ [51:14]

~  “It’s pretty tough to be down when you are focusing on all your blessings.” ~ [53:29]

People Mentioned and Other Resources

  1. 10% Happier 
  2. That Gratitude Guy’s Daily Gratitude Journal
  3. Denver Broncos 
  4. Russel Wilson 
  5. Buffalo Bills
  6. Josh Allen 
  7. Felice Piccolo
  8. Seattle Seahawks
  9. Columbo movie

Keep In Touch with David George


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatgratitudeguy/?hl=en


YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/c/DavidBrookeThatGratitudeGuy/videos

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