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Learn Speak Teach Episode 31 with Rudi Riekstins.

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The most important step to achieving your goals is believing in yourself. Understanding the incredible power of your mind is where the game starts. The power of your mind is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to achieving goals. When you believe in what you are doing and act with conviction, your mind can catapult you to success, inside and out. Join this conversation with Rudi Riekstins and learn how to overcome your limiting beliefs and achieve the “impossible,”

Rudi Riekstins is an entrepreneur, international speaker, author, and coach. Rudi has impacted thousands of people for over two decades. On a daily basis, new folks experience powerful transformation through his training, online courses, and group & private coaching. 

Rudi is a leader called upon by leaders. He has been awarded a Top #5 Coach by Thrive Global [alongside Tony Robbins, Jim Kwik, and Natalie Ellis] and honored by Business Insider as a Top 20 Thought Leader in 2021 [alongside Deepak Chopra, Lisa Nichols, and Dr. Joe Dispenza]. Rudi has consulted and/or coached start-up entrepreneurs, creatives, and public figures,to billionaire CEOs, on living more intentionally purposeful lives.

Rudi coaches his clients on becoming the most successful person they know, instructing and inspiring them to survive and thrive in any environment, situation, and relationship. He advocates that the only way to achieve this is by bringing mindfulness and consciousness into every aspect of daily life, including business. 

Rudi Riekstins is also known for the InPowered Life Podcast and Inpower University, a virtual platform educating the world on how to tap into their personal power, align with their purpose and create ease, joy, and success in their lives through spiritual awakening and self-mastery. 

Let’s tap into some of his wisdom.

During this episode, you will learn about;

[00:00] Pre-show

[03:49] Episode intro and a quick bio of our guest; Rudi Riekstins

[06:11] Rudi’s backstory and pivotal moments

[10:45] How do you quantify the magnitude of traumas?

[14:58] Walking through the “WHAT’s and SHOULDs” of life

[26:01] Making even the smallest impact, daily, even at grocery stores

[30:52] Mindset changes Rudi had to follow in pursuit of purpose

[36:33] What you need to do to stack success

[41:38] Winning streaks

[48:55] Kinds of people Rudi works with and the services he offers

[52:04] Golden nuggets for small solopreneurs

[53:21] Rapid Fire Round and wrap up

Free Resource

30 Day Mindset Reset FOR FREE, here only:

Key Takeaways

~ “Everybody’s life experiences are the perfect preparation for what they need to do next, creating different perceptions of success.”

~ “Experiencing fulfillment becomes easier when self-love oozes from within. True fulfillment comes from giving selflessly all of yourself every day, and in every single way.”

~ “When you give, serve, uplift, and inspire people through what you do as a being, success and fulfillment follow you.”

~ “We are all on a different journey. Just like a vehicle taking all of us from point A to varied destinations of point B, it’s pointless to judge someone’s vehicle of transportation. We will all reach our destinations at different times.”

~ “Success is based on how we feel when we wake up and go to bed. Anything in between is not that important.”

~ “To stack success, you must move your body to create motion, with thoughts and sound (Energy in motion…E-motion) .”

~ “You are 95% more likely to achieve your goal if somebody holds you accountable to that goal.”

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