Stress Less Now w/ Amy McCae

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Real Business Connectetions

#Ben Albert


“Stress Less Now: 5 Steps to  Peace of Mind and Self-Empowerment” with Amy McCae.



My name is Amy McCae. Happy to have you here! Welcome to Stress Less Now: 5 Steps to  Peace of Mind and Self-Empowerment.  

I help CEO’s and small business owners reduce stress and overwhelm so they can have more  time for fun, family, and even and themselves. I often work with leaders and those seeking to  have an impact in the world but may be struggling with clarity, confidence, and peace of mind.  

The steps in this guide will lead you to peace of mind and self-empowerment. Each idea has a  skill set or practices for you to do that develop self-awareness and cultivate conscious living.  Self-awareness is one domain of emotional intelligence. All personal and professional successes  are dependent upon your level of emotional intelligence.  

This skill set has been taught to countless individuals and numerous organizations with the intent  of improving communication and relationships, creating healthier and happier lives, supporting  employees, increasing success, and reducing stress.  

These practices serve as a journey of self-discovery leading to clarity, confidence, peace of mind  as well as the capacity to make conscious decisions and to be a visionary leader. 

If you would like to learn more about my credentials, listen to radio shows, read my story, or  view some testimonials please visit my websites at 

Should you be interested in learning more about how I can support you or your organization  please email me I will give also give you my ALL new Hack Your Mind  for Peace of Mind guide that goes even deeper. 

The five skills you need to stress less, feel empowered, and have peace of mind are; Awareness,  Acceptance, Attitude, Action, and Acknowledgement. 

Awareness is first simply because if you do not know who you are, what you want, or what you  are dealing with you simply can not make a conscious choice, solve any problem, or make the  impact you desire. As it turns out ignorance is not bliss and realistically the truth can never be  hidden for long. 

Awareness is cultivated various ways, One is through the active practices of things such as self assessments. Some of the most common include Myers-Briggs and Enneagram. While I find  these useful and certainly encourage self-discovery, you can start with a simple worksheet on  discovering your core values. You can find these online or when you work with me it is one of  the first things we do. The idea is narrow it down to the top five. These will be your deal breakers  in personal and professional relationships, your career choices, and in general be a guideline to  support you in determining what choices are ideal for you. This will save you some headaches  and regret. When you think, speak, and act inline with your values you live an empowered life  both personally and professionally. 

Another way to develop awareness is to simply get quiet. To do this you must train your brain  through some type of attention based practice such as mindfulness meditation. Self-awareness  and mindfulness actually have the same definition; to pay attention on purpose without  judgement. You do not need to be a monk to practice monitoring what’s going on with you. 

Self-awareness is a key aspect of emotional intelligence and it requires you understand your  thoughts, emotions, and how you respond or react to them and others. A good way to start is to  simply notice your breath for two minutes before you even get out of bed, before you check your  phone, before an important meeting, when you are stressed, or during a transition period during  the day. Simply pause. Feel the sensation of air through your nose. Is it warm or cool. Notice the  rise and fall of your chest. Is there resistance or ease? Bring awareness to the expansion and  contraction of your abdomen. Notice the sounds, notice your thoughts, notice the sensations.  Continue to bring your attention back to your breath. Your mind will wander. You aren’t trying to  control it. You are training it. Notice how you feel when you are done. Your nervous system is  connected to your breath. This can rewire your brain and nervous system. This is a perfect way to  reduce stress, gain clarity, and check in on how you are feeling.

The second step is Acceptance. At the core of acceptance we have surrender and forgiveness of  people and events. It also means admitting you don’t need or even that you are able to control  people or events. (Not my strong point either). 

Anger is extra baggage weighing you down and preventing you from being amazing. Being  angry is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die, it is not serving anyone’s  greatest good. My suggestion is to try a 28 day anger diet where you write for 30 minutes a day  telling off the people who hurt you. (Don’t send). Then ask for whatever help you need and burn  the crap. 

Many people find it easier to forgive others than they do themselves. Are you really all that bad?  Consider making a list of your accomplishments. (And sometimes getting out of bed counts,  too). Then, spend some time doing the things you love. Put it on your calendar like any other  appointment! I continually hear from clients that they “don’t have time.” You have time for what  you make time for and trust me when I say that there is a story in your mind that you believe and  it has nothing to do with time but more about self-worth and avoidance of yourself and your  situation. I can help you figure this out, by the way… There is also a mindfulness based practice  referred to as “Loving Kindness” that you can do for yourself and others. Practice self-care.  Practice kindness. 

You may not be able to control people, places, and events BUT you can choose your attitude about them. Your attitude is based off your own personal perception. Attitude is the 3rd essential  life skill.  

Think for a moment about optical illusions. Isn’t it fascinating how you see an image only one  way until someone comes along and points out an entirely new way to view the image? Suddenly  there are two ideas and neither is wrong. At any point in dealing with challenging people you  have the ability to choose how you perceive them as well as the situation. A little compassion an  empathy go along way. Imagine yourself in their shoes. You can either emotionally react or you  can consciously respond. PRACTICE THE PAUSE is a common phrase in mindfulness based  practices. Pause, notice your breath, respond from this space. 

I would also add to start naming the emotion that you are feeling. AKA Affect labeling or  mindful emotions. This is where emotional intelligence begins. You have to know what you are  feeling!!! Neuroscience has proven that simply naming the emotion you are feeling deactivates  the part of your brain responsible for managing stress (amygdala) and allows you access to the  part of your brain responsible for higher levels of thinking (pre-frontal cortex) This is how you  come a visionary. Use the part of the brain designed for it. 

Pause, notice your breath, name the emotion, choose consciously. With practice this can rewire  your brain to do this more automatically. This is how you cultivate compassion, reduce stress,  and become a visionary leader.  

Ready, set, action. The 4th skill is Action. What is a dream without a plan and without action?  For this I suggest a Wheel of Life worksheet. I have an excellent one that I received in Life  Coaching training that I use with clients. You can, however, find several on the internet.  Basically it will help you divide your life into categories rating each one so you know where to  start. Choose only one or two. When you work in one area everything else follows. AND it is not  so darn overwhelming. Perfectionism and multi-tasking are over-rated.  

Next, set a goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timed. Use action verbs that  resonate with you. Such as “reduce” weight instead of “lose.” You don’t want to find it again do  do you? Find someone to be your accountability partner and for support. Make sure whatever  you choose doesn’t make you feel burned out but instead fuels your flame. Your goals should be  related to your passion, not something you think you have to do. You intend to be successful,  right? 

AND again, get some support. 

Last, but certainly not least is acknowledgment. Acknowledgment is gratitude. Gratitude is one  of the simplest ways to shift energy, change your perception, and create peace of mind.

Gratitude is a way of life. A way of appreciating all that you have, wish for, and even for the  things you have not wished for and didn’t want. There is a quote that says; “Someone once gave  me a box of darkness. It took years for me to see that, too, was a gift.”  

There are numerous ways to express gratitude. Personally, list writing doesn’t do it for me.  Gratitude lists with an accountability partner work well. There is something incredibly special  and validating to your existence and efforts when someone witnesses your life and your love. 

You can also create a joy jar by getting small pieces of paper and making notes of happy  experiences. Then, in a week or month read through them. They may surprise you. I also find  being of service brings feeling of gratitude. All in balance, of course. I once had a woman tell me  that she was burned out from “giving.” If this is the case review step one.  

At its simplest find beauty in even the smallest things each day, it matters. 

If you use the skills presented in the practices of Awareness, Acceptance, Attitude, Action, and  Acknowledgment you may reduce stress and overwhelm, cultivate compassion and emotional  intelligence, and gain clarity and confidence. All of which will transform your health,  relationships, and success. This is truly a space of empowerment!  

If you would like to dig a little deeper into these concepts and more as well as learn how I can  support you or your organization please set up a phone consultation by emailing me at or message me for the even deeper Hack Your Mind for Peace of Mind  guide. 

Thank you,  

Amy McCae  

Mindfulness Executive and Leadership Coach. Accredited and Proven Workplace Wellbeing.  Holistic Wellness Expert.


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???? Five Minute Friday is brought to you by Ben Albert of Balbert Marketing LLC

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